1861 | The Army of the Potomac | ||
Strategic Supply of Civil War
Armies Alan Aronson
With the Federal surrender of Fort Sumter in April of 1861 a
new President was faced with what was fast becoming a shooting 'Civil' war. The battle of Bull Run or Manassas of July 21st was a disaster for the unorganized and untrained Union army of General Irvin McDowell. At Fort Pickens, Florida in early July of 1861 Rufus Ingalls was ordered to report to General George McClellan (a former Topographer) as Lieutenant Colonel and aide-de-camp. The Federals would have a base established in the Florida Keys and Fort Pickens that would remain throughout the war. On July 27th Lincoln appoints McClellan as commander of the Federal Division of the Potomac, later to be known as the Army of the Potomac. The Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac is Col. Van Vliet. Van Vliet was the quartermaster in charge of the army that marched to Salt Lake City in 1857. He may have been instrumental in avoiding bloodshed in what was called at the time the "Mormon War". Van Vliet traveled to Salt Lake City ahead of the army to obtain supplies. Most of 1861 would be fairly quite in the east after Bull Run. McClellan was using the time to 'build his army'. Lincoln is questioning McClellan on when the army is going on the offensive.
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Updated April 08, 2001 © L.R. Davis